How to Surprise Someone with Concert Tickets | Vivid Seats
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How to Surprise Someone with Concert Tickets

March 10, 2020 by Alyssa

Gift Ideas

Concert tickets are hands-down one of the best presents you can give for any occasion. Whether it’s a birthday, a holiday, or just for fun, tickets are more than a gift; they’re passes to an unforgettable live experience.

Instead of just slipping the tickets in a card this year, make your gift even more memorable by surprising your unsuspecting loved ones with concert tickets in one of the unique ways featured below.


The Summer Surprise

If you want to go all out, don't give the gift of concert tickets--give an entire summer of concerts. This girlfriend bought tickets over time and compiled a pair of tickets to three different summer concerts that her boyfriend wanted to see, and came up with this elaborate way to surprise him with an entire summer of date nights listening to his favorite artists live and in person. She then used a series of fun riddles to help him reveal her surprise.


The Last-Minute Surprise

Want to be a miracle worker? Don’t surprise your special someone with the concert tickets until the day of the show. Make other plans, ask them to babysit, or tell them you’re taking them to dinner, but make sure you don’t let the secret slip until the day of the concert for a maximum reaction.


Want to surprise someone really last-minute? Take notes from this son who gave his mom Rush tickets just 15 minutes before the concert was scheduled to start:


The Fake-Out Surprise

The fake-out surprise, a favorite of practical jokester parents, comes in many forms. You might pretend to confront your child about a bad report card, SAT results, or, like this mom, a school schedule. When this daughter finds out she’s instead going to see Justin Bieber with her best friend, the tears are real.


The Binoculars Surprise

If you want to surprise someone with concert tickets in the upper levels for a stadium show, gift wrap their tickets with a pair of binoculars. They can practice focusing the lenses to read the tickets from far away before they focus on their favorite performers at the show.


The Rhyming Surprise

Know a teacher, writer, or Dr. Seuss wannabe? Enlist that person to help you write a poem, like the one in the video below, that will lead to the big reveal of which concert your loved one will get to see live. You can make them read the poem out loud to get a real-time reaction to the news.


The Scavenger Hunt Surprise

It might take more work, but a good scavenger hunt is a really fun way to surprise someone with concert tickets--especially if they have no idea what they’re going to find at the end of the journey. Watch the video below and be inspired by this family’s interactive birthday scavenger hunt.


The Hidden Surprise

If you want to surprise someone with concert tickets but also keep things low key, you can hide the tickets in with other presents. In the video below, a girlfriend surprises her guy with Bruce Springsteen tickets hidden inside a DVD case, leaving him literally speechless.


The moral of the story: If you’re going to surprise someone with concert tickets, make sure you have a camera handy to document the reaction. You might end up with the next great YouTube hit.

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